Coaching, Well being & Personal Development In Schools.
BLOG, PARENTS, SFSC Parenting Program / By Ruth Carter
Spiritual Rites of Passage Is also in the first session along with the personal rites that we covered last week. These 2 rites connect with the building blocks for success at the foundation level. SFSC Parenting program aims to take parents on a journey to a violence-free healthy lifestyle and like the personal rites of passage, the spiritual rites reflect on our inner being and historic family traditions in regards to spirituality.
I was born in a Christian household and every time we cover this part of the program I get the most giggles when I look back to my childhood as spirituality represented approximately 80% of my childhood experiences. Monday night bible study, Wednesday night prayer meeting, Friday night Youth Group, Saturday night was some form of meeting or convention and Sunday morning and evening service including Sunday school oh and not forgetting every Sunday morning getting up early to have family prayer. It was a lot lol and this is why I laugh and share this with you because I learnt to memorise scriptures, I had to present in front of the church either by singing, reciting the Sunday school lesson or leading devotional service, I only shared with my parent’s last year when I was visiting them in the sunny island of Dominica that whenever I was called upon to lead I always sang the same song ?. I’d stand up in front of the congregation and say “can you please turn to the song no 1 in the Redemption Hymnal, All hail the power of Jesus Name”. Just to save me flicking endlessly through the songbook.
We all have different journeys in life, so whether you believe or not most would agree in a universal greatness beyond what we see and have a faith based around that. However on reflections from past parenting programs most had some faith based ceremonies that was part of their family roots. My spiritual journey has certainly evolved since my childhood and all I can take away is the positive messages, skills and beliefs that help me to help others.
Step 1 – Help your child develop a relationship with a ‘Greater Spirit’.
God, Allah, Buddha, Jag, Gaia, Life Force, Creator, etc.
Step 2 – Help your child develop faith in something for which there may not be proof.
Step 3 – Help your child develop courage and strength to go on.
Step 4 – Help your child learn to face obstacles without complaint or resentment.
Pain is designed to make you, not break you.
Step 5 – Help your child develop patience in the face of obstacles or difficulty.
Step 6 – Help your child develop unconditional love for him or her self, family and community.
Step 7 – Help your child develop friendships and attachments.
The above steps are also attached to the Spiritual Rite of Passage activities, which are below. Choose 1 out of the list of 11 different activities and let me know how you get on. You can leave your comments on the Parenting Live on Facebook and YouTube at 8 pm, leave a comment on my Instagram page or email me directly at
Thank you for reading my blog.
Click Here to View The Video That Accompanies This Blog Post Where Ruth Shares Her Experience & Favourite Techniques With You- To Help Improve Relations At Home By Discussion and Examples Of Methods and Strategies Developed Around Strengthening Families Strengthening Communities Core Concepts and Goals.
Ruth Carter The Liberty Coach.
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