Coaching, Well being & Personal Development In Schools.
BLOG, Empowerment, Erb's Palsy Awareness Week, PARENTS / By Ruth Carter
Physical Rite of Passage is featured in the second session along with the mental rite of passage which I will be covering next week. So just a quick recap we have covered the personal and spiritual rite of passage over the last couple of weeks and we are now moving on. By the end, we would have covered all the Rite of Passage because I think they are very useful and may give you activities to do with your child, especially if they are complaining of boredom.
Rite of passage marks a very important stage in a person life, this could be done through celebration events or ceremonies with the full acknowledgement from the community from the time we are born until we die. I have experienced myself various rite of passage that brought me from my childhood to adulthood. Now as a parent I have been able to help my own children transition from childhood to adulthood and I still have some more rites of passage to fulfil with my son. As a parent, I’m looking forward to what is to come. Today I will reflect on the physical rite of passage which starts very early on in a child’s life and it’s more than likely you’ve already passed through this stage. What I’ve come to learn about the physical rite of passage that even in elderhood this rite is still very useful.
If you happen to be following some of the news in relation to children returning back to secondary school in September 2020, it appears as though the physical rite was mentioned but in a very different way. I read that the government want the schools to implement hygiene practices for the secondary children In relation to the new bubble they plan to put them in. We’ve been washing our hands from day dot but the emphasis is too wash your hand properly. How we treat our bodies is so important and at a young age, children should be able to run free, as free as the wind blows.
I stopped posting on my Facebook Business Page for a while as I felt that I had nothing much to say, but when I heard what Joe Wicks The Body Coach had on offer being the Nations PE teacher that reignited my interest as I understand the importance of physical activities in a young person life. Did you know that physical activities improve the well-being in a child’s life and that it has been one of the best remedies for children with ADHD to be overly involved in physical activities so they can use the additional energy they’ve been blessed with because they are a blessing, even when my daughter was younger and super hyperactive I had wished I had that level of energy but the thing is we learn from what can help improve our lives.
The above steps are also attached to the Physical Rite of Passage activities, which are below. Choose 1 out of the list of 16 different activities and let me know how you get on.
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Thank you for reading my blog.
Click Here to View The Video That Accompanies This Blog Post Where Ruth Shares Her Experience & Favourite Techniques With You- To Help Improve Relations At Home By Discussion and Examples Of Methods and Strategies Developed Around Strengthening Families Strengthening Communities Core Concepts and Goals.
Ruth Carter The Liberty Coach.
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