Coaching, Well being & Personal Development In Schools.
Rites of Passage starts from the very first session in total there are 10 different Rites of Passage of which I love ❤️ about the Strengthening Families Strengthening Communities Parenting Program. When I first was introduced to the Rites of Passage I immediately thought ’this is something I can use with my children’ and I did. We gained so much from these activities.
The Rites of Passage within the SFSC Parenting manual are as follows –
Session 1 – The Personal Rite of Passage & The Spiritual Rite of Passage.
Session 2 – The Physical Rite of Passage & The Mental Rite of Passage.
Session 3 – The Cultural Rite of Passage & Historical Right of Passage.
Session 6 – The Emotional Right of Passage.
Session 7 – The Economic Rite of Passage.
Session 9 – The Social Rite of Passage.
Session 11 – The Political Right of Passage.
Session 12 is the Review. SFSC is packed with various activities which you get to choose which would best suit you and your children.
Within our cultures, we have different rites and traditions that are carried through from one generation to another and these are suggestions that you can add to what you are already doing.
As a gift to you is thought is share this in my blog for the next few weeks which may give you additional activities to do with your children. With some of the younger children being back to school, with others remain at home until schools officially open back up in the UK, parents have been in touch and expressed concerns over their children’s well-being and boredom. I’m hoping to address that by sharing tools that can be if help to you during the trying times on the family.
Step 1 – Help your child develop interdependence.
High self-esteem – love for ourselves
High extended self-esteem – love for our family/community.
Step 2 – Help your child recognise, understand, accept, appreciate and use his or her unique gifts and talents.
Step 3 – Help your child seek out positive role models, adults who will serve as mentors throughout life.
Step 4 – Help your child make connections with adults who will love, advise, guide and direct his or her life.
Step 5 – Help your child create a vision for him or herself, family and community.
Step 6 – Help your child plan goals to achieve for his or her vision.
Step 7 – Help your child understand that self-discipline and hard work are necessary.
Step 8 – Help your child reflect on progress towards achieving his or her vision.
The above steps are also attached to The Personal Right of Passage activities, which are below. Choose 1 out of the list of 13 different activities and let me know how you get on. You can leave your comments on the Parenting Live on Facebook and YouTube at 8 pm, leave a comment on my Instagram page or email me directly at
I’ve gone through a lot of these activities with my children over the years but one I’ve really worked on was No 9. I’ve spent time talking to them about their future ambitions when they were younger and it does pay off to have a vision for your life. Your vision could be around your career, hobbies that can bring in an income, creative arts being nurtured at a tender age being in full acceptance and encouraging them to go after their own goals. I’ve even kept items that they have given me for keepsake and I say to them ‘when your the top designer or electrical engineer then I have evidence of when those ideas were created. I’ve watched them both apply themselves to their goals but I have to add myself into the mix as over the years I have worked on my own goals. When I’m delivering either the Parenting Program or Well-Being Programs to schools I always include Creating a Vision because we need the vision to know where we would like to be in life and to also go into as much detail as we like to see it bigger and brighter, making our vision so compelling that we naturally take those steps towards them.
Thank you for reading my blog.
Click Here to View The Video That Accompanies This Blog Post Where Ruth Shares Her Experience & Favourite Techniques With You- To Help Improve Relations At Home By Discussion and Examples Of Methods and Strategies Developed Around Strengthening Families Strengthening Communities Core Concepts and Goals.
Ruth Carter The Liberty Coach.
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© All rights reserved the liberty coach 2019