Coaching, Well being & Personal Development In Schools.
BLOG, Empowerment, Erb's Palsy Awareness Week, PARENTS / By Ruth Carter
Social Rite of Passage features in session 9 which leaves 3 sessions of the SFSC Program left, by this time we have covered a variety of different steps and activities, which makes this parenting program a joy to facilitate. Many of the parents we work with have experienced some form of challenge in their parenting journey and adding more tools to your already existing toolbox is essential in life.
We are social beings and many of us enjoy taking the lead, speaking in front of an audience, organizing events and activities for others and theses few things I’ve mentioned are all part of the social rite of passage. However, on the flip side, there are many who dread even being in a small group or become anxious to read out loud and this could be due to a number of factors.
Over the past 15 years, I’ve worked with children and families and many parents encourage the social rite of passage if different ways. I’ve seen a high level of confidence in young children who are happy to perform a sola song with their toy mic and speakers in front of family members but when given a part in the school play in front of a hall of parents some children thrive and others freeze, possibly cry and get upset the more they are encouraged.
We uncover ways to help our children on their social rite of passage but I’d first like you consider you own first, this will help us as parents recognize how with made those social rite transitions in life to help our children, giving them tools direct from us that work. I’ve also worked with parents who lack confidence and demonstrate their fears in front of their children and the pattern is created. I stated that we are social beings and many have taken steps such as engage in mother toddler groups; stay and play, coffee mornings as a way to help our young children interact and develop social skills long before going to school, while others may have had limited access to local activities and limited to family members and close community friends. Which way you may have experienced it the social rite of passage is as important as the other rites that we have previously covered.
The SFSC Parenting Program offers 6 key steps to help us to help our children let’s take a look.
Step 1 – Help your child develop leadership skills and abilities.
Step 2 – Help your child develop public speaking skills.
Step 3 – Help your child organise for specific social problems.
Drugs, gangs, schools, HIV/AIDS
Step 4 – Help your child develop good social skills.
Solution building skills & Managing anger and conflicts
Step 5 – Help your child learn to use community resources.
Informal and formal resources & Circle of interdependence and agencies
Step 6 – Participate with your child in community organisations.
Neighbourhood watch & School related cultural/community organisations
The above steps are also attached to the Social Rite of Passage activities, which are below. Choose 1 out of the list of 12 different activities and let me know how you get on.
You can leave your comments on the Parenting Live on Facebook and Youtube at 8 pm, leave a comment on my Instagram page or email me directly at
Thank you for reading my blog.
Click Here to View The Video That Accompanies This Blog Post Where Ruth Shares Her Experience & Favourite Techniques With You- To Help Improve Relations At Home By Discussion and Examples Of Methods and Strategies Developed Around Strengthening Families Strengthening Communities Core Concepts and Goals.
Ruth Carter The Liberty Coach.
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